The Alameda Creek Alliance is hosting a community meeting in Sunol to discuss upcoming creek monitoring efforts Sinbad Creek. Join us on Wednesday, January 25th in the cafeteria of the Sunol Glen School (11601 Main Street, Sunol) from 7:00 to 8:30 pm, to learn how you can participate in these efforts.
Our goal is to collect baseline information on Sinbad Creek, and to see how it is changing over time. We’ll discuss plans to map Sinbad Creek, monitor macroinvertebrates (i.e. insects) that live in the creek, monitor water temperature and flow of Sinbad Creek, measure bacteria in Sinbad Creek, and address concerns with invasive plants.
We need volunteers for these efforts! Join us on January 25th to add your voice to the discussion, and to learn how you can get involved.