We're working with local open space districts, park and water agencies, conservation groups, fishing groups, educators, academics and county, state and federal agencies to help our East Bay and Sacramento Valley watersheds.

There's a lot of great work going on that you can get involved in.


Putah creek

The John Muir Chapter is working with Putah Creek Trout, Grizzly Peak Fly Fishers, Diablo Valley Fly Fishers, the Sonoma County Water Agency, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife on a Habitat Restoration Project in the 4.5 mile Inter-dam reach of Putah Creek between Lake Berryessa and Lake Solano.

Putah Creek is a regionally famous tailwater fishery due to its production of large wild, native rainbow trout, challenging fishing and proximity to the major metro areas of the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento.

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Bay Area youth fly fishers

The Bay Area Youth Fly Fishers is a collaborative youth development program initiated by Bay Area Fly Fishing and Conservation organizations dedicated to developing and enabling a new generation of fly fishers and conservation minded youth who love and protect the waters that nourish fish and people.


steelhead in wildcat creek

Native coastal steelhead have few remaining strongholds for spawning. The John Muir Chapter is working to reconnect the Wildcat Creek watershed from the headwaters in the EBRPD Tilden Park to the Bay and restore steelhead to the watershed. We have partnered with the Contra Costa County Flood Control District, The Watershed Project, and FlowWest Consultants to create this opportunity through two grants.