REI and The John Muir chapter of Trout Unlimited (JMTU) and REI present a women's fly-fishing film event. The films will be "A Force of Nature" and "A Steelhead Quest". A short panel discussion will follow, with women talking about how they got interested in fly fishing and their experiences. It is said that all fly fishers go thru various stages of fishing: first wanting to just catch a fish, then catching lots of fish, next catching big fish, then catching most difficult-to-catch fish and finally you just want to go fishing. Terry Meyers in "A Steelhead Quest" is in the-most-difficult-to-catch fish stage but with a special twist. Watch her as she tries to achieve her goal. TU and REI share a strong conservation ethic to inspire, recruit and retain a more diverse population of conservationists. TU believes that conservation should be a true partnership between landowners, agencies, municipalities, and all stakeholders to protect critical habitat, to reconnect degraded waterways, and restore populations of coldwater fisheries.
Berkeley REI Community Room
1338 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702